First High Priests
First High Priest and Jar'son's boss. Ran'sin is responsible for the sector of the galaxy that contains the space where humans and Ventrons live.
The oldest First High Priest and Ran'sin's arch enemy on the Emperor's Council.
Second High Priests
Jar'son is a lead supporting character throughout the Galaxy Keeper Trilogy. He first meets Team Fourteen when they trespass on the Crystal Pyramid on the moon of Travix Seven. Jar'son wants nothing more than to become a First High Priest and sit of the Emperor's Council. He see the intrusion of the humans as potential impediment to that goal.
Bar'son is on Ran'sin's staff and is responsible for interogating the humans. He was the priest in charge the day Kevin Hopkins was killed, and has lived in fear ever since that he will be blamed for the loss of this "valuable animal."
Third High Priests
Not'ton is a third high priest that works for Jar'son. Jar'son considers him to be lazy and incompetent.
Tra'sik is a guard captain who works for Jar'son. He is present the day Team Fourteen is captured. Tra'sik is an important character who appears throughout the Galaxy Keeper Trilogy.
Vie'tran works for Tra'sik. He also appears throughout the Galaxy Keeper Trilogy.
Bra'sik is a guard who works for Tra'sik. He appears only briefly in the story.
Got'ram is a guard who works for Tra'sik. He appears only briefly in the story.
Har'tel - Head of Assembly
Har'tel runs the assembly plant and is charged by Ran'sin with producing two hunters, a speialized type of robot, in two days. When he tells Ran'sin that it is impossible to do, Ran'sin makes it clear that Har'tel's career and his life are on the line.
Sun'kin - Member of Har'tel's Staff
Sun'kin is the youngest member of Har'tel's staff and the one that figures out a way to meet Ran'sin's demands when everyone else has nothing to offer but reasons why it can not be done.
Sar'non - Animal keeper and Doctor
Sar'non is an animal keeper and doctor. He saves the lives of the humans when they are captured by the hunters. Sar'non is an important character who appears throughout the Galaxy Keeper Trilogy.