
Torans and the Five Star System

The Torans are cousins of the Valtorians and direct decendents of the Ancients. They fought an all out war with the Emperor and lost. As a result of the treaty that ended the war they are confined to the Five-Star System, which consists of five star systems scattered around the galaxy, and connected by a special Crystal Pyramid network.

The Emperor didn't intend or expect the Children to discover the existance of the Torans for the foreseeable future, yet once again he underestimated Team Fourteen. They surprise him when they return to Beltaria with a Toran in their company. As a result, the explorers learn much more about their creators and the history of the Galaxy.



Alicia is young for a Toran. She dreams of exploring the stars and is frustrated by the cobfinment of the Torans to the Five-Star System.

Alicia is the first Toran encountered by Team Fourteen. When she discovers that they are from another part of the galaxy, that they have a starship and that they know the Emperor, she begs them to take her to Beltaria. When they agree to do so they change the course of history in the Galaxy forever.

Alicia plays a major role in Immortal Child.



Drew is a member of Alicia's pride. He is older than she is and the senior male member of the pride.

Drew plays supporting role in the story.



Marci is a member of Alicia's pride. She gets into trouble when leading the High Meadowers on a tour and must be rescued by Jeref and the other members of the High Meadow Pride.

Marci plays a supporting role in the story.



Alaron is a member of Alicia's pride.

Alaron plays a minor supporting role in the story.



Drew is a member of Alicia's pride. She is the Pride's Alpha female and brings Drew into line when he lashes out at Alicia upon her return from Beltaria.

Jerusha plays a minor supporting role in the story.



Jonitra is a member of Alicia's pride. He He is younger than Alcia and becomes her male of choice replacing Drew.

Jonitra is with Alcia when she makes contact with Team Fourteen, but plays a only a minor supporting role in the story.



Elaina is the oldest Toran alive and a member of the Toran Council of Elders. She worked with the Valtorians when the Children were created, and negotiated the treaty that created the Five-Star System and ended the Great War.

Elaina plays a significant supporting role in the story.



Sorin is the leader of the Toran Council of the Elders.

Sorin plays a minor supporting role in the story.



Margo is a member of the High Meadow pride. She befriends Alicia when they are on tour and tells her a lot about the High Meadowers.

Margo plays a minor supporting role in the story.



Jeref is a member of the High Meadow pride. He saves Marci's life when she gets in trouble on the tour.

Drew plays a minor supporting role in the story.